
Propose priority-nursing diagnoses based on health risks

Assignment task: Please use the draft below as your guide. NOTE: This care plan is NOT aimed at the elderly population. Please read the draft carefully. This care plan is supposed to address the risks discussed on the population of Homestead Florida in general NOT specifically the elderly.

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, write the final comprehensive care plan for the aggregate based on the health risks faced by the aggregate, incorporating the feedback and your continued work.

Address the following:

Propose two (2) priority-nursing diagnoses based on the major health risks identified during the risk assessment for the aggregate.

Include strategies to address the nursing diagnoses and identified risks of aggregate.

Support your strategies with at least two journal articles.

Develop a disaster management plan with the following components:

List of disasters that might affect your aggregate (take into consideration the geographical location of the aggregate, past history, etc.).

Strategies for handling at least two disasters from the list.

Recommendations for a disaster supplies kit.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

Comprehensive Care Plan for the Aggregate in Homestead, Florida:


Homestead is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida, that comprises intact traditional and modern neighborhoods, public areas, and a culturally rich populace. As observed in other parts of the country, heart disease and cancer are some of the diseases that negatively affect the Homestead community (Still & Wright, 2022). It is thus the purpose of the following care plan to identify these considerable dangers to health and provide nursing diagnoses and interventions derived from literature research. More importantly, a disaster management plan will also address the possibilities of the occurrence of health complications that affect this group of people through cases of heart complications or cancer and the measures to be taken to counter such eventualities. The purpose is to introduce special measures of nursing care and emergency intervention for Homestead residents who have been diagnosed with these chronic and fatal diseases.

Priority nursing diagnoses:

Risk for Ineffective Health Maintenance Related to Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular diseases remain a significant health concern in Miami-Dade County, as highlighted by a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2018. Despite advancements in medical care and public health initiatives, these conditions continue to impose a substantial burden on the local population. The above findings underscore the imperative of focused early intervention and medical prevention in cardiovascular disease amongst residents in Miami-Dade County.


Implementation of a Heart-Healthy Diet Program:

Reduced sodium intake and fat with increased nutrients have been associated with a low level of heart disease risk. Awareness will be created among the staff and residents through the conduct of several workshops with an emphasis on the need to change the kinds of diets being consumed. Even if lives are saved by medications, maintaining a heart-healthy diet can cut down cardiovascular events by a great deal. From the data available, it can be seen that the guidelines recommended by the American Heart Association can serve as a useful tool for preparing meal plans and developing education programs.

Regular physical activity:

Infusing daily physical activities that are well aligned with the abilities of the residents can also enhance cardiovascular health. Yes, things such as walking, chair exercises, and gentle stretching should be good enough. Research has found that even simple physical exercises help improve the status of the cardiovascular system and general well-being. The first is to track participation and progress, and it should also be noted that programs should provide for, or adjust according to, varying mobility levels.

Risk for Ineffective Health Maintenance Related to Cancer

Cancer is another leading cause of mortality in Miami-Dade County residents. Risk factors such as Tabaco use, limited physical activity, alcohol and poor access to preventive care further exacerbate this risk (Roman, 2020).


Screening and Early Detection Program

Screening for cancer is helpful for its early identification and the treatment to be initiated in patients. This is done by scheduling common checkups such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and skin checks, among other examinations. Smith et al. conduct their study and state that routine screening aids in decreasing cancer mortality rates. The guidelines that have been set out by the American Cancer Society can be used to organize such program.

Education and awareness campaigns

Moreover, communal education sessions on cancer prevention can help patients and families gain knowledge on the risks of cancer and possible indications. These are the areas that require focusing on smoking cessation, skin protection from the sun, and dietary information. According to Roman (2020), the case studies indicate that community-based education interventions can effectively address needs and issues that contribute to cancer disparity. To improve awareness and preventive actions even more, there needs to be more distribution of educational resources.

Disaster Management Plan

Homestead Florida residents are also prone to severe illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. There is an essence to developing a disaster preparedness plan that focuses on these health conditions that flare up or cause complications. It would be important for such a plan to include the actions to take before such a crisis, the steps to be followed during a cardiac or cancer crisis, and resources and programs to be used in order to stabilize and assist those affected after a health crisis event. The key objective is to implement niche prevention strategies in advance in order to create individual plans for emergency handling of acute and severe forms of heart disease and cancer in the homestead population.

Potential health disasters

1. Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) surge

2. Cancer-related emergencies (e.g., severe pain, tumor lysis syndrome)

Strategies for Handling Health Disasters

1. Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Surge


Place AEDs in various parts of the facility and ensure all personnel, from the director to the least-ranked employee, are trained in AED usage, BLS, and ACLS. Develop strategies on how to respond quickly and efficiently when you meet a person suffering from a cardiac arrest. Check the person and call the EMS (Damluji et al., 2021). It will also be important to have a practice drill with staff once in a while so that people are ready to act.

During the disaster,

If a person displays signs of a heart attack, one has to call the healthcare response team, following protocols. If the patient presents with a headache, provide aspirin if indicated; otherwise, follow standard protocols for management before EMS arrives. Ensure that the person's vital signs are closely observed and that one should be ready to offer more treatment if necessary.


In this case, it is mandatory to conduct reviews with the purpose of assessing the aftermath and identifying failures. Offer support services to enable some of the residents and staff to deal with emotional trauma. It's crucial to engage knowledge from the evaluation to improve the training and other protocols.

2. Cancer-Related Emergencies


Ensure that you have procured quality emergency drugs for the management of urgent cancer symptoms such as pain, vomiting, and nausea. Educate all staff members regarding the identification and management of possible cancer-related complications like tumor lysis syndrome, infection with a low WBC count, and cord compression by cancer (Still & Wright, 2022). Develop an outline of the expected actions the staff should take each time such incidents occur, particularly on when to seek assistance from an ambulance.

During the disaster,

Upon realizing that the individual is in an emergent condition, initiate the protocol to manage the condition. Provide the required medication and nursing care.


Then analyze the response and look for ways to enhance the result. These can include updating emergency plans and training the entire team, if necessary.

Disaster Supply Kit Recommendations

  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • Emergency medications for cardiac and oncological crises (e.g., nitroglycerin, aspirin, pain medications, antiemetic's)
  • Basic and advanced life support equipment (e.g., oxygen, resuscitation bags, intravenous supplies)
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Emergency contact information for cardiologists and oncologists
  • Documentation forms for emergency response
  • Educational materials for residents and staff on recognizing symptoms of heart attacks and cancer emergencies


This care plan aims at reducing the major health risks associated with the diseases of heart disease and cancer among residents in Homestead, Florida. Under the wellbeing and safety considerations of this susceptible group, it is aimed at improving the incorporation of preventable health efforts combined with disaster preparedness planning. Periodic appraisal of these approaches will ensure they remain both feasible and effective in fulfilling the emerging needs of this population over time.

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