
Propose a research study related to health care

Assignment task: Final Paper Introduction:

For the final paper, you will propose a research study related to health care. In each week of the course, you will craft components of a proposed study. This first assignment starts your project. It is recommended you review Week 6 - Final Paper instructions for more information.

Assignment Introduction:

In research, it is almost impossible to study the whole population. Instead, researchers get a sample of the population to make inferences about the variables in the study. For this assignment, you will prepare an in-service education presentation to new research coordinators for a healthcare organization based on types of sampling.

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes.

In your presentation:

1. Describe the sampling approach, the intent of the sampling approach, the procedure for selection of participants, and the potential biases for each type of sampling listed below:

? Simple random sampling

? Systematic sampling

? Stratified sampling

? Cluster sampling

? Convenience sampling

? Snowball sampling

2. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of at least two sampling techniques.

3. Examine three data analysis tools from the following list:

? ANOVA Single Factor

? ANOVA Two Factor with Replication

? ANOVA Two Factor without Replication

? Correlation

? Covariance

? Descriptive Statistics

? Exponential Smoothing

? F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

? Histogram

? Rank and Percentile

? Regression

? t-Test Paired Two Sample Means

? Z-Test, Two Sample for Means

4. Describe a healthcare example of the type of study used for each tool you selected.

The PowerPoint slides should include key concepts, and the details should be listed in the speaker notes.

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Other Management: Propose a research study related to health care
Reference No:- TGS03428673

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