
Propose a marketing effort which is conceivably possible

1. Your plan MUST be for an imaginary "START-UP" business venture (not an existing business). Propose a marketing effort which is conceivably possible ... one which requires an 'original' marketing plan, and one in which you have an interest.

2. Keep your target market SMALL. This means focusing on a total geographical marketing area of no more than the size of a major city & its surrounding populations (that would be no more than about 5 million people, and no less than about half a million people). It's also OK to secondarily include an internet marketing effort (with a global reach).

3. It must be a "FOR PROFIT" marketing endeavor. It cannot be a no-profit enterprise; it cannot be a charitable enterprise; it cannot receive ‘grants' or income from third parties. This means it must rely solely on your customers for its own income for survival.

4. It must market "primarily" to a "CONSUMER AUDIENCE" (end-user customers who actually use your service or product ... NOT middlemen or retailers who resell it or use it for business purposes). Also, you cannot market primarily to a business-to-business enterprise; you cannot market to an "in-house" market; and you cannot market to a small "nitch" audience.

5. Your Proposal must be submitted no later than "Wednesday" of week #1 (no later than 11:59pm).

6. Your plan MUST be pre-approved before you begin your planning effort.

7. You must submit your proposal on the "Marketing Plan Proposal Form" located in doc sharing (document #12).

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Dissertation: Propose a marketing effort which is conceivably possible
Reference No:- TGS02488472

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