
Proposals are meant to be evaluated by others why else

This assignment must be submitted to TurnItIn. No coping material

Research topic: How HIV and AIDS Education may Influence young Adults to change their life style in Nakuru Kenya?


WriteOral Presentation 750 words and also put onPowerPointslide presentations (10 slides) for the research topic above.

Proposals are meant to be evaluated by others. Why else would you need to write a proposal and not just a finished research paper? Even the most experienced presenters must practice their skills. This is an opportunity to share your proposed research with others as well as practice your presentation skills.

After reviewing the presentation on creatingPowerPointslide presentations, use thePowerPointslide template to complete the written portion of this assignment. Then add audio to your slides as presented in the Guide to Adding Audio toPowerPointPresentation.

Export the presentation as a video and upload it toyoutubeas "unlisted", (followthe instructions posted in Week 7) thenpost a link to the unlisted presentation to this discussion board by Saturday


Research topic: How HIV and AIDS Education may Influence young Adults to change their life style in Nakuru Kenya?

Assignment: Draft of Proposal 1000 words on the research topic above

You have already developed all of the elements of a research proposal and now it is time to put it all together into a cogent proposal.

You will combine the introduction, background, literature review, and methods sections into one document. As the content has already been reviewed, for this assignment you are to focus on the alignment of your sections, the flow of your writing, and your use of APA 6 form and style guidelines.

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Other Subject: Proposals are meant to be evaluated by others why else
Reference No:- TGS02665119

Expected delivery within 24 Hours