Proposal for action to support positive social change

Assessment: Proposal for Action to Support Positive Social Change

In this Assessment, you will create a Proposal for Action that you could submit to the leaders of a business or organization. You should select one that is familiar to you. Some alternatives are your current or former workplace, a nonprofit or volunteer organization, or even a community-based group. The important thing is that the organization you select has a formal leadership structure in place. You will also need to identify two or more ways in which this organization could bring about positive social change, both internally (in the form of changes to the organization itself) and externally (in the form of changes within the community or in society at large). In your Proposal for Action, you will illustrate how these positive social change efforts could be fostered through the application of ethical and socially responsible leadership practices.

Note: In your Proposal, you will be asked to present information about the direct and indirect impact(s) of these proposed changes. If you need help differentiating between these ideas, consider the following example of a positive social change effort that includes these multiple layers of impact.

A company decides to reduce water consumption in a directed effort to respond to the city's diminishing water reserves. To do so, the company stops manufacturing during the third shift because it is able to conserve enormous amounts of water, which is used to reduce the heat created during the manufacturing process. The group directly impacted will be the employees who currently work the third shift, but there is another group that is indirectly (but significantly) impacted: the families of those employees who cannot be re-assigned to other shifts, since not all third-shift employees will be able to be accommodated. 

Utilize the template provided for your Proposal for Action, and be sure to include references to a minimum of two appropriately formatted scholarly sources

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Reference No:- TGS03388459

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