Foundations and resaerch inquiry
Literature review is integrated into the research proposal well
The topic and all key concepts are defined clearly and succinctly with plain English explanations suitable to an interdisciplinary audience.
The review represents a logical argument supported with evidence that there is an important gap in existing knowledge, and explicitly sets out a coherent conceptual or theoretical framework to ground the study. The aims of the study are the logical conclusion of the literature review. The research question is clear, specific, succinct, and answerable.
Methodology is appropriate to the research aims and demonstrates an understanding of all relevant aspects including sampling, data collection and data analysis methods.
The proposal demonstrates congruence across all elements of the design.
Each element is explained clearly and concisely in plain English, and justified with reference to quality research methods texts. The proposal demonstrates a deep understanding of methods that goes beyond the course material. It is clear that the proposed method would answer the research question.
Ethical issues are clearly identified and ways of satisfactorily addressing the ethical concerns are described
Principles of ethical research and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research are used to frame the discussion of ethics. Potential ethical problems are explained and an approach to avoid or suitably mitigate problems are provided with appropriate evidence included where required. Appropriate ethical approvals processes are explained succinctly. The discussion demonstrates to the reader that the project could be completed ethically.
Research process is realistically considered within organisational and social context
Clear visual representation of the proposed timeline and a table setting out the budget are included. Timeline and budget are comprehensive and consistent with the proposal. Key strengths and limitations of the study are highlighted. Limitations are justified with reference to ethical and practical constraints. The limitations section represents a strong and coherent argument that the proposed method is the best possible approach to answer the research question, and provides clear guidance about the conclusions that can and cannot be drawn from the study.
Academic standards of writing and referencing
Writing style and structure are excellent and free of errors. The author communicates in plain English so that complex ideas can be understood easily by educated non-experts. Evidence provided where required throughout the paper. Excellent use of APA referencing style, with virtually no errors in the text or the reference list. Demonstrates a solid understanding of professional referencing.