Every control has a default property related with it. The default property does not require to be named when you are functioning. The control Check box as value has the default property. The control Combo box as text has the default property. The control image as picture has the default property. The control label as caption has the default property. The control menu as enabled has the default property. The Read only properties cannot be changed programmatically. They can be put only at the design time. For illustration the name of a control is read only property. For altering the read only property edit the property window.
For illustration the type "add" for name property of the command button in the property window. As a result in the drop down list of the property window the control will be listed as the add Command Button. For altering the caption of a label control, set the caption property by using the control; the test is made as the caption of the control, label, denoted by the label1. The statement is given as shown below.
Label1.Caption = "test"