
Properties of polystyrene and urea formaldehyde resin

1) Write down the different kinds of polymerization? Describe with appropriate example.

2) Describe the preparation, properties and uses of SBR and Butyl Rubber in detail.

3) Describe the preparation, properties and uses of Polycarbonate, Teflon and PVC in detail.

4) What do you mean by epoxy resin adhesives? Write down their preparation, properties and uses.

5) What do you mean by compounding of plastics? Write down compounding material used in Plastics, specify their functions and give suitable example for each.

6) Explain the compression moulding and injection moulding process for the manufacture of plastics.

7) Describe how Bakelite is prepared? Write down its properties and uses.

8) Describe the preparation, properties and uses of Nylon 6’6, Polystyrene and Urea formaldehyde resin in detail.

9 Describe how natural rubber is obtained?

10) What do you mean by SBR? Write down its uses.

11) How PET is prepared? Write down its uses.

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Chemistry: Properties of polystyrene and urea formaldehyde resin
Reference No:- TGS011813

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