
Proper treatment of environmental

The False Credentials paper issue would be for HR offices while the Critical Event might be for operating room technicians. Patient Treatment Consent might be a good paper for a Palliative Care Organization or an Oncology Clinic discharge planning staff. The paper must discuss accurate information for the setting with full consideration of the relevant state and federal laws with citations that are accessible by the instructor. The paper can ask questions and use graphics to deliver certain points of information but the graphics must be an addendum to the paper and not in the body of the paper. -1pt if I have to reformat the paper because of inclusion of graphics in body of paper. The paper should include "For more information about this issue..." and include a reference or references.

The paper should be double spaced and be 4-6 pages in 12 point New Times Roman font. Include a cover page [not counted as a page] which should have student name and title of your paper [Provide a short name of the critical aspect of employee responsibility.] Must have at end of the paper a list of references in APA Format [not counted as a page]. No deduction if paper exceeds a page or so. But deduction of 2 points from the 20pts paper is worth if paper is less than 4 pages. The paper is to be posted in Assignment #3 drop box. Paper should be submitted in word doc. No pdf papers as I cannot post my comments in your paper.

Paper is due by due date but if there occurs is an extraordinary event beyond your control, then you need to contact me as to the reason and then we can discuss a new due date if I agree with your excuse. In every case of an extension you will be penalized 11% [no chance for an A on the paper] for the first day late and an additional .5 pt for each day thereafter, no matter the excuse, deducted from the 20pts the paper is worth.

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

Elder abuse Mandatory Reporting

Child abuse Mandatory Reporting

HIV Mandatory Reporting

The False Claims Act- the civil penalties

TB Mandatory Reporting

Proper treatment of environmental hazards.

Medical error-Critical Incident

False credentials of health care personnel

Medical Charting violation

Violation of HIPAA- confidentiality

Failure to treat patients in a timely manner

Failure to maintain required Staffing ratios

Research integrity

Patient Choice and treatment consent

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Other Subject: Proper treatment of environmental
Reference No:- TGS01081573

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