1. As business professionals, effective communication is critical. One aspect of effective communication is the importance of proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (spelling/capitalization) in all of your written business communications. The use of proper grammar, punctuation, and mechanics is vitally important as it demonstrates professionalism and conveys not only a clear message, but the right message. Therefore, I ask that you all proofread your discussion posts and other written assignments prior to submitting them in the course. The rubrics used to grade your assignments contain a criterion on “Clarity” which rates your use of proper grammar/punctuation/mechanics. Proper and effective written communication is essential in order for you to succeed in your business courses and in your careers.
2. This is your first discussion assignment, please note that the 3 discussion assignments that are due this term will combine for 20% of your grade. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to provide well articulated posts.