This homework assignment consists of five problems. Please show your work in detail, as answers with no justification.
1. Let Z ˜ Np(0, IP), and let A be a p x p matrix such that AAT = V.
(a) Show that if Q is an orthogonal matrix, then QZ ˜ Np(0, IP)
(b) Show that (AQ)(AQ)T = V.
(c) Show that X = μ + AQZ ˜ Np(μ, V).
2. Let X ˜ Np(μ, V) with V nonsingular, and let U = XTAX for A symmetric.
(a) Show that the moment generating function for U is
(b) Show that if Aμ = 0, then
Mu(t) = |I — 2tAV|-1/2
3. Using the result of Problem 2, show that
(a) Var(XTAX) = 2tr(AV)2 + 4μT(XTAX)µ.
(b) If X ˜ Np(0, V), then Var(XTAX) = 2tr(AV)2.
4. Prove the following Lemmas, with are related to the proof of Cochran's Theorem:
(a) Let A be a p x p symmetric matrix. Then A is idempotent if and only if rank(A) + rank(I — A) = p.
(b) If A, B, and A + B are all idempotent, then AB = 0.
(c) rank(i=1Σk Ai) ≤ i=1Σk rank(Ai).
5. In the normal linear model, i.e., Y ˜ Np (Xβ, σ2IN), find the conditional distribution of aTY given XTY. For simplicity, assume that X has full-column rank.