
Prompts 1 discuss the story of much ado about nothing using


You are to write a 2 page paper on one of the following topics. The paper should be two full pages, double spaced, 1-inch margins, with 12 pointe Times New Roman font. You should ONLY use the Shakespeare text, movie, and what you learned from the class or the Cave in the Light. Do not do outside research as this is an analysis paper and NOT a research paper. Prompts: 1. Discuss the story of Much Ado About Nothing using the text and the film versions in relation to the Plato/Aristotle dichotomy. How does the story fit either or both of these Greek thinkers. 2. Analyze at least three of the characters from the play and discuss them in the context of Plato or Aristotle. Which philosopher do they align with more and why. Remember, this is an analysis paper, you are to bring in your own interpretations and back them up with evidence from the readings or films in class. Film used is Much Ado About Nothing (1993 film) by Kenneth Branagh.

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Reference No:- TGS02141710

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