# Purpose: Write a Unix shell script (one program) called Project1_lastname (your lastname).
# This script will do the following tasks:
# Using "if" statement checks for a file called "student.txt" in the current directory.
# Removes (deletes) the file if it exist. This file will collect last name, first name, and grade for 5 students.
# Use a while loop to get the information (last name, first name, and grade) for 5 students.
# Grades should be 0-100. Use three different variable names (fname, lname, and grade) to read the data from the keyboard.
# Store the data read from the keyboard in a file called "student.txt".
# After reading all the data for 5 students, display contents of student.txt file on the monitor.
Prompt the user using tput command to read the information. tput will show the prompt (i.e "Enter first name: ") at the certain row and column. Use 3 tputs, one for each prompt.
Sort "student.txt" file by the last name and display it on the screen.
At least 3 tput commands. One tput for each prompt. Use tput command to display the prompts in certain rows and columns.
- Sort student.txt file by last name (Second field).
- Display the sorted information on the screen. First name, last name, and grade for the 5 students.
if test -f $FILE # use -f to see if the filename exist.
#You also can use other options like -r (read) or -w (write)
rm $FILE
count=1 # Initialize counter to start from 1
while (( $count < 6 )) # Is count less than 6? If it is continue going inside the loop
# to read more student's data
echo "Please enter first name: c"
read fname
echo "Please enter last name: c"
read lname
echo "Please enter grade (0-100): c"
read grade
(( count=count+1 )) # Add one to the counter
echo "$fname $lname $grade" >> student.txt
cat student.txt
exit 0
Initialize all your variables (sum, counter, max and min)
counter = 1 # Initialize the counter value
# initialize maximum, minimum and sum values
maximum number = 0
mininum number = 100
sum = 0
While counter < 6 (Read 5 students' information)
Prompt for first name
input first name
Prompt for last name
input last name
Prompt for grade
input grade
If this new grade is > old maximum then
New maximum = new grade
If this new grade is < old minimum then
New minimum = new grade
Adjust the counter
sum = sum + new grade # old sum value + new grade = New sum value
End Loop
#Find the average
average = sum/# of people