
Promotional strategy for growth of strategic marketing plan

I need assistance with the given:

Below is the name and description of a new product to be released to the market.  Please answer the two questions below pertaining to the product.  Work product must be in your own words – no plagiarism or copy from a site and must contain 1200 to 1400 words for each question.

Question 1. Identify the appropriate place and promotional strategy that should be used in the development of the strategic marketing plan

Question 2. Identify public relations opportunities for the product

The product:  Eureka Fresh

Description of Product:

The new product is for the Eureka Vacuum cleaner to have a component attached to the unit, which releases an air fresher. The new component would be able to release the air fresher from the front part of the vacuum by pushing a button on the hand held handle when the vacuum is in use. Eureka vacuum cleaner has many types of accessories and vacuum cleaners, but has yet designed a vacuum cleaner that would release air fresher. Adding a new component of the Eureka vacuum cleaner would be a new technology and exciting for customers when cleaning because it would add a fresh clean scent after vacuuming ones living or work area.

We will be positioning the product as an add-on feature and as part of the new inventory of Eureka vacuum products.  Our strategy is to move into the market and advertise as an alternative to the floor products and air fresheners currently on the market.  Our product will last longer than either the floor refreshers, such as powders and sprays, and air fresheners, which have to be replaced every thirty days.  We will place the product in both the area where air fresheners are sold and also in the vacuum cleaner sales areas.  We want to position ourselves in both retail and commercial outlets where our products are currently sold and also in grocery stores and other retailers where we can compete with markets we are competing against or we feel we are a good substitution for.

With our add-on feature, we will automatically be different and for people who use vacuum cleaners. The add-on will come pre attached to the new models Eureka sells and will come as an aftermarket add-on available for use. Since the freshener product is in capsule form, it will be easy to use and easy to store.  We are planning to offer the capsules in multi packs as well.  We will eliminate the need to use plug in devices that take up valuable sockets. The Eureka product is safer than burning candles and safe to use around children and pets.  Children like to play with the wall socket plug ins and they can injure themselves when candles are burning and wax is hot.

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Marketing Management: Promotional strategy for growth of strategic marketing plan
Reference No:- TGS02030368

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