
Promoting positive relationships between law enforcement

Part 1: Evaluating Local Demographics

Choose a community on which to conduct research. Your chosen community must be in the United States. Identify information about your chosen community to include local demographics and the related trends, including population trends or changes taking place. You must consult at least three sources of information for this section of the project. You may find the following sources of information useful; however you may include information from other sources, as well:

City and county departments
Housing authorities and schools
State and Federal census material
Refugee resettlement or service organizations
Community-based organizations and advocates

Write a one to two page report that discusses your findings. In this part of your project, you should identify racial and ethnic minority population groups, describe recent demographic changes, and provide an overview of the racial and ethnic composition of the community.

Part 2: Promoting Positive Relationships between Law Enforcement Officers and the Community
For this section of your project, you must consult at least three resources for your research.

Conduct research on effective policing programs.

Using the information from Part 1 as a basis, write an overview of a proposed program that promotes a cooperative and interactive relationship between law enforcement officers and the community, especially ethnic and/or racial minorities.

The program should focus on one of the following, and should address the specific demographic composition and trends identified in the research for the first part of your project:

Cultural awareness and diversity training for department personnel

Racial profiling, racism and other aspects of stereotyping in the department and the community

Your overview should be approximately two to three pages and describe its objectives, how it will address the specific demographic concerns of your chosen community, and how it will be implemented within the department.

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Dissertation: Promoting positive relationships between law enforcement
Reference No:- TGS02410459

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