Promoting industrial and manufacturing-based economy

Assignment task:

Tariffs: The North favored protective tariffs on imported goods because it would promote their industrial and manufacturing-based economy. However, the South viewed tariffs as unfair taxation that would hurt their economy and increase the cost of living for their citizens. As they heavily relied on exports of agricultural products, such as cotton and tobacco, and opposed tariffs that would make foreign goods more expensive.

Westward Expansion: While the North wanted to expand the nation westward to promote economic growth and to spread their political and social values, such as free labor and education, the South opposed this expansion, as it threatened to upset the balance of free and slave states in Congress and could limit their access to new slave territories.

States' Rights Theory of Government: The South believed strongly in the states' rights theory of government, in which states have the power to make their own laws and regulate their own affair. They believed that the federal government was overstepping its bounds by trying to regulate slavery and limit states' rights. The North, on the other hand, believed that the federal government had the power to regulate slavery and other issues that affected the entire nation.

Uncle Tom's Cabin: Uncle Tom's Cabin is a book that portrayed the horrors of slavery and the suffering of slaves. The North embraced the book, feeding into their already growing anti-slavery sentiment. But in the South, the book was seen as a threat to their way of life and a misrepresentation of the realities of slavery.

Dred Scott Decision: The Dred Scott decision was a Supreme Court ruling saying that slaves were not citizens and could not sue for their freedom in federal court. The North heavily opposed this decision seeing it as an attempt to extend slavery into the western territories and limit the rights of African Americans. While the South saw it as a victory for states' rights and the protection of their economic interests and supported the decision.

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