
Promoting a positive health and safety culture

Question 1: Training, comprising the provision of relevant information and instruction, is significant in making sure trainees, work experience placements and volunteers are aware of their own duties and responsibilities and any changes to work activities. Describe the various elements of the initial assessment and training provision that must be given for newly placed trainees, work experience placements and volunteers in the workplace.

Question 2: Identify five possible measures that could minimize the risk of violent behavior in the workplace.

Question 3: What are the five factors which employers should consult representatives on? Give a practical example of each.

Question 4:

a) Identify four types of health and safety information which might usefully be displayed on a notice board in a workplace.

b) Describe how the efficiency of notice boards as a means of communicating health and safety information to the workforce can be maximized.

c) Identify the limitations of relying on this technique to communicate to employees

d) Outline other techniques the employer could use to communicate necessary health and safety information to their employees.

Question 5: It is not possible to improve the Health and Safety culture of an organization directly. Rather, it is essential to work at improving factors which can have a positive influence on culture. Outline four examples of factors that can have a positive persuade.

Question 6: Give five positive arguments for convincing Senior Managers or Directors to take responsibility for Health and Safety.

Question 7:

a) Describe the meaning of the term motivation.
b) Other than lack of motivation, outline some reasons why employees might fail to comply with safety procedures at work.
c) Outline ways in which employers might motivate their employees to comply with health and safety procedures.

Question 8: Describe the term competent person and recognize personal attributes.

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Other Subject: Promoting a positive health and safety culture
Reference No:- TGS04148

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