You will find and critique virtual information and word processing skills to create a professional-looking one-page document that promotes personal development or financial growth and maturity.
Search the AIU Cybrary and the Internet for information on a topic that interests you and that offers information on money management, personal health and safety, or parenting. Note the URL's where you find your material, as you will need to reference the information.
When you find information you need, write a brief summary of the web article. When you are done, use the Edit/Copy feature to put text from your document onto the on the clipboard.
Scroll further down yourWord document and paste the information (Edit/Paste) on the page. Manipulate the information to suit your purpose. Play with Font, style, and size.
Add a page border (Format/Borders & Shading/Page).
Use any Word features you can to make a nicely presented, effective page that presents useful information.
In a footer position (View/Header-Footer), type in the URL information to give credit to the information source).
To search the Cybrary:
This what i did so can you help me out
Paper shredder Safety Alert
In Consumer model paper shredders are growing in popularity? The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) wants you and your family to be safe if you if you have a paper shredder. From January 2000 through September 2005, CPSC received those 50 reports of incidents involving of incidents involving finger amputations, lacerations, and other finger injuries form paper shredders. The Majority form paper shredders. The majority of injuries were to young children under age 5.
And the young children are interested in imitating adult activates, and children may try to activate the shredder when an adult is not present. This puts children at risk, of injury. Injuries can occur even when an adult is supervising a child. Children's fingers can be pulled into the paper shredding mechanism if they don't let the paper go.
And we can look at CPSC can offers for the safety:
1. Never allow children to operate paper shredders, even under adult supervision.
2. Paper shredder can pull children's fingers into the shredder mechanism.
3. Place the paper shredder in an area less accessible to children.
4. Unplug the paper shredder power cord when the shredder is not use.
5. Do not place hands of fingers in the shredder opening.
6. Do not operate a pepper shredder while wearing loose fitting clothing that may enter the shredder opening.
7. Keep hair and items, such as a tie or a long necklace, always from the shredder opening.