1. Three established Social Science models were presented in class: tic Assimilations model. the Internal Colonial Model_ and the Marxist Model. How would each of these theories explain the relatively low socio-economic status of people of color in the United States?
2 Articulate on the concept of racism. Is it consequential? If so. of what?
Does it. permeate the various societal institutions? How? What are the effects. -Relative to majority-minority relations-in politics, economics and status -quo?
3. In class we have spent time reading about and discussing stereotypes. Distinguish between generalizations and racial stereotypes. What are sonic common valid stereotypes about Chicanos? Why are they important in understanding social inequality, racism, and the contemporary Chicano experience?
4. For each of the following spheres, discuss what still needs to be done to promote equality between people of color and whites, in terms of housing, jobs, and education. Which sphere presents the greatest challenge? WITv?