
Prolate nuclear core and rotational bands


Question 1. Consider a deformed prolate nuclear core consisting of an even number of neutrons and one even number of protons outside of this core is a neutron in a d5/2 state

a) what would the degeneracy of the state be if the deformation were zero?
be in the single particle shell model for deformed nucleim qualitatively plot as a function of the deformation the energies of the states .

Question 2. Karne 5-13 book

the levels of 174Hf show two similar rotational bands with energies given as follows in MeV

E(0+) E(2+) E(4+) E(6+) E(8+) E(10+) E(12+)
Band1 0 0.091 0.297 0.608 1.010 1.486 2.021
Band2 0.287 0.900 1.063 1.307 1.630 2.026 2.489

Compare the moments of inertia of these two bands and comment on any difference?


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Physics: Prolate nuclear core and rotational bands
Reference No:- TGS01887357

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