
Project space prompt

Project Space Prompt:

During Project Space we will consider the cultural and social aspects of places and spaces, as well as possible political or environmental aspects. We will talk about places and spaces, as well as the communities, cultures, and subcultures they are connected to, can have an impact on our lives—how we define ourselves, how we see the world around us, how we understand life.

NOTE: For this project, we are defining “place” as a permanent physical location (example: a store, a church, a restaurant, a school, etc) and “space” as a temporary area or location set up for a purpose (a fair, a rave, a festival, a farmer’s market, etc.).

Questions to Consider for this Project:

- Why are places and spaces created?

- What purpose do they serve?

- How and why are they designed the way they are?

- How does a place or space impact the people who live, play, or interact in it?

- How and why do places/spaces become special or significant to a community of people?

Project Space Requirements:

1. Even though you will most likely be familiar with the place/space you choose, you should do a little research on your place/space if possible—become familiar with its history and the reasons it was built or created.

2. Write a Fieldwork Report—go to your chosen place/space and write a 2 page direct observation and description of your chosen place/space: describe what it looks like, sounds like, smells like, feels like. Describe what happens there, the people there, and anything else you observe.

3. Upload your Fieldwork Report, along with multimedia about your place/space—things like pictures/videos/charts/audio, to your blog.

4. Write an Essay of 1200 words minimum.

I need a first draft which is 2- 3 pages and I need a description about place as it mention above

I think about Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas Which has A great atmosphere , casino, shows, restaurant, brand stores, and the amazing fountain.

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Other Subject: Project space prompt
Reference No:- TGS01613662

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