
project overviewin this final part of your


In this final part of your project, you will cover Step 4 of the statistical analysis process - answering the research question of interest by drawing a conclusion about the population through the data collected in the sample.


The Goal: Now that you have identified your question of interest, collected your sample data, and summarized that data through the use of descriptive statistics, we now move on to statistical inference. This will involve answering your question of interest through the use of a confidence interval. 

The Report: Your report for Part 4 should address the following components. 

-- Inferential Statistics (5 points): Perform one of the following methods of statistical inference listed below, depending on the type of data you are analyzing (i.e. only one confidence interval). Be sure to show all steps required . 

For qualitative data... For quantitative data...
Confidence interval for either one or two proportions Confidence interval for either one or two means

-- Summary of Statistical Findings (4 points): Provide a summary of your project written in such a way that someone with no statistical background could understand your results. In this summary, describe the results of your research and discuss whether or not you were able to answer your original question of interest. In other words, explain to your grandmother, who has no statistical background, what question you were trying to answer and whether you answered it through your analysis or not. DO NOT use any statistical lingo in this paragraph.

-- Scope of Inference (4 points): Discuss whether or not the assumptions were met for the method(s) of statistical inference you used, and how that might impact the results of your study. Also discuss if there might be any sources of bias or any errors in your data set that may limit the validity of your conclusions (i.e. Was your sample really random? Was it representative of your population of interest?).

The Requirements:

1) Your project reports must be typed. This simply means type, print, and staple the report. 
2) Your final report must be compiled in this order: (1) Your write-up for Part 1 of the project (with any necessary adjustments made), (2) your write-up for Part 2, and (3) your data set as an appendix.
3) This final part of the project is due ______________________________________.

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Mathematics: project overviewin this final part of your
Reference No:- TGS0497800

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