Project management skills and formal and informal project

Project Management Skills and Formal and Informal Project Management

Speculate on the main reasons why the skills and training of project managers have changed over time. Give your opinion as to whether these changes have been good for business. Provide a rationale for your response.

Suppose you are starting a Project Management Office (PMO) at an organization. Give your opinion as to what the key considerations would be for the endeavor to be successful. Speculate whether you would hire an experienced project manager or a consulting company to facilitate the starting of the PMO. Support your rationale with at least two (2) advantages of hiring your selection.

Speculate on the main reasons why the skills and training of project managers have changed over time. Give your opinion as to whether these changes have been good for business. Provide a rationale for your response.

Suppose you are starting a Project Management Office (PMO) at an organization. Give your opinion as to what the key considerations would be for the endeavor to be successful. Speculate whether you would hire an experienced project manager or a consulting company to facilitate the starting of the PMO. Support your rationale with at least two (2) advantages of hiring your selection.

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Application Programming: Project management skills and formal and informal project
Reference No:- TGS01149087

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