
project management contracting and

Project Management: Contracting and Procurement

What kind of contract will you pursue for each of the following purchases related to this project?

-Hiring technicians to install and configure the software for your environment

-Hiring a training entity to teach the student PMs the mechanics of using the new tool

-Buying a new server and software to run the tool and house the project database

-Hiring tool usage experts to transfer knowledge to the student PMs about the use of the tool on the job for the first 60 days after going live

-Planning for the removal and disposal of the scheduling tool software and hardware that are no longer to be used

Which contract type is the most appropriate for the product or service purchase?

How would you effectively justify your selection to other project managers?

What arguments might they use to debate your selection?

How would you effectively address those arguments?

What risks are associated with the type of contract selected?

Explain exactly how you factored these risks into your selection.

What general purposes and functions does the contract type address?

How does the selected contract meet the project objectives?

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Project Management: project management contracting and
Reference No:- TGS0472481

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