
Project Management

2) Critically analyze the results of your interview and evaluate how your findings align to what you have learned so far in this subject about project management and the role of project managers.
3) Create a 3 to 5 minute verbal presentation communicating your findings. You can use any presentation method you like. Options include voice over Powerpoint, a screencast with voiceover, a podcast or a short movie.
Provide short, fully referenced, answers to the following six questions. Your answers should be clear, concise and to the point. Prepare single document (MS Word or PDF) along with title page and submit it online using Turnitin. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.

Question 1: The address depletion of IPv4 and other shortcomings of this protocol prompted a new version of IP known as IPv6. Explain the advantages of this new IPv6 when compared to IPv4? [3 Marks]

Question 2: Migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 is known as transition from version 4 to version 6 and requires formal strategies to handle this transition. Explain each of the strategies for this migration process using appropriate examples. [4 Marks]

Question 3: In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, Internet users that are ready to share their resources become peers and form a network. Describe the differences between centralised and decentralised P2P networks? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both networks. [3 Marks]

Question 4: What is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and how is it used in P2P networks? Briefly explain how a DHT works with an example of a P2P network. [3 Marks]

Question 5: In the client-server paradigm, explain which entity provides the service and which entity receives the service. Why should a server be run all the time, but a client can be run when it is needed? [3 Marks]

Question 6: When an HTTP server receives a request message from an HTTP client, how does the server know when all headers have arrived and the body of the message is to follow? [4 Marks]

This assessment consists of six questions assessing a basic understanding of network & data communication models, next generation IP and application layer paradigm. This assessment covers the following learning objectives:

define and explain various Internet technologies;
describe and analyse the role and importance of Internet technologies in the modern world; and
explain how different application layer services such as client-server and peer-to-peer paradigms work in the Internet.

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Other Subject: Project Management
Reference No:- TGS01056849

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