Java Data Structures
Your task in this project is to create a German-English, English-German, French-English, English-French dictionary. You will be responsible for entering a total of twenty-five words in German, the part of speech each word represents and its English meaning. Please use the words below, noting the appropriate information which follows each one
German word Part of speech English meaning
der Mann noun man
das Öl noun oil
die Frau noun woman
das Fräulein noun Miss
das Mädchen noun girl
das Kind noun child
das Haus noun house
die Schule noun school
die Tür noun door
kommen verb to come
gehen verb to go
sehen verb to see
wollen verb to want
wissen verb to know
können verb to be able
vor preposition before
nach preposition after
zu preposition to
bis preposition until
ohne preposition without
eins other one
zwei other two
drei other three
hoch other high
gut other good
Please note the following relevant to the word list above: all nouns begin with a definite article (der, die, das) that signifies their grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, neuter); all nouns must begin with a capital letter; all verbs are presented in their infinitive form; words that do not fall into the noun, verb or preposition category are labeled other for convenience. You will write a menu-driven program that will allow the following options:
1. Create the word list
2. German to English nouns
3. German to English verbs
4. German to English prepositions
5. German to English others
6. German to English all
7. English to German nouns
8. English to German verbs
9. English to German prepositions
10. English to German others
11. English to German all
12. Search for a word (either way)
13. Quit
Same options for French (i.e. option2 to 6 "French to English" and option7 to 11"English to French"The word list must be stored in one or more hash table (link list). In order to do this, you must first create a file containing the twenty-five words by prompting the user for the German or French word, part of speech and English meaning and then read the information into your data structures (hash table). Once the file is created it can never be modified by adding or deleting words. This will not only be true for the present run, but also subsequent runs. This means, if the user runs the program tomorrow or six months from now he/she will be prevented from making any modifications to the list of words. Should the user attempt to modify the list, you must display an error message indicating that the list has already been created and cannot be modified.
When a menu selection is made (other than 1, 12 or 13) the list must be sorted in ascending order by either German, French or English word depending on the selection made and all information (word, part of speech and meaning) must be displayed in appropriate order. Nouns should not be sorted by definite article, but the word itself. Words that contain an umlaut are sorted as if the umlaut does not exist; however, they must be entered into the dictionary and displayed with the umlaut. To deal with the umlaut issue, you will need to consult a Unicode table. You must also be aware of the fact that menu options 2 through 12 cannot be selected until the user loads the file with the twenty-five words in the list above. An error message to that effect must be displayed in the event that this occurs.
Menu item 12 allows a user to enter a German, French or English, word and, if found, displays the part of speech and meaning. If not found, displays an error message such as "word is not in the dictionary." Your user prompt should simply be "please enter a word." DO NOT ASK WHETHER THE WORD IS GERMAN, FRENCH OR ENGLISH. Your program should be able to deal with that issue.
French word Part of speech English meaning
Le mot noun word
Le garçon noun boy
Jeune adjective young
Le boulanger noun baker
La fille noun girl
Français adjective French
Le livre noun book
L ‘école noun school
La maison noun house
Être verb to be
Après preposition after
Voir verb to see
Dire verb to say
Aller verb to go
Bon adjective good
Mardi noun Tuesday
La Salle noun room
Elle pronoun she
Le Jour noun day
Aujourd ‘hui adverb day
La Pluie noun rain
Le Cheval noun horse
Le Moulin noun mill
Rouge adjective red
La Neige noun snow
P.S. The whole work must be graphical with one or more .Java and/or .class files. Do not forget to put them all in one by creating the project.