
Project is about the ronald mcdonalds house

Complete the project:

Our final project is about the Ronald McDonalds house, located in Miami. Florida, next to the Jackson memorial hospital. We went there 2 different days to prepare food for the families in need.

The first day my team and I, and also my mom that was visiting came with us to help, what an amazing experience seeing my mom with us. We cooked pasta with meatballs, we served tea and sodas, we stayed about 5 hours, cooking cleaning and sharing a little bit with the people that eat there, not a lot because we were in a kitchen and most of the families when we served the food used to bring it to the rooms because the majority have kids sick that cant go out from the room. The kitchen was very clean, everything was working, nice place. Maybe it will be good to improve sharing at the time they eat.

The second day I bought the food with one of my team members, while going to the place one team member was running late and the other one got pulled over, so I decided to bring all the food down and start by myself. This time we decided to make pizza, we chose to do 10 pizzas all of them with different flavors, we put vegetables, corn, mushrooms, jam, etc. we also served cookies, tea, water and soda. While we were making the pizzas a young guy with his mom approached to the kitchen and we let him make a pizza that was one of the best moments I experienced, because I felt integrity and happiness on him. The staff of the Ronald Mcdonald house was incredible great, we took a lot of pictures, we bought everything, food, plates, beverages, etc. the second day we stayed around 5 hours. I loved the experience so much that I gave my number to the lady in charge of the events to call me anytime they need help for other activities. She liked that I went to talk to her about it and she put me in the list of volunteers for next events. The place is beautiful, peaceful, and clean, maybe what they should improve is that to get there is a little bit confusing, they need to put more signals on the route to get there. For the families that live there maybe if they put nice and soft songs in the background at the time they are eating in the tables will be nice, put a sink next to the tables they eat to make sure they clean their hands.

Final Fieldwork Project


To gain insight into relevant corporate social responsibility challenges in our community where business can make a positive impact and difference, and learnhow yourbusiness expertise and resources can contribute to long term sustainable solutions.

This assignment needs the work and collaboration of your final project class learning team and it requires a minimum of 10 hoursper studentof corporate social responsibility service related to solving an important corporate social responsibility challenge in our community.

You may work either with a company, non-profit organization, public agency, and/or a business community service or corporate social responsibility program.

Create TWO reports describing:

• What you learned as a team, and

• What you learned as individual and how service delivery, performance, and impact could be improved through the application of business resources or expertise to that particular project, company, non-profit organization, public agency, and/or a business community service or corporate social responsibility program.

Service should be performed by teams in the same service organization at the sametime and reports must be prepared as:

• Teams, and

• Individuals.

Please note that projects must directly involve service that addresses important corporate social responsibility program challenges. This is not a business internship and your work must be substantive.

Many types of corporate social responsibility projects are acceptable, except for walkathons/danceathons, and activities related to political campaigns or religious ministries. Possible programs include environmental protection programs, homeless assistance, mentoring at risk youth, community economic development, animal welfare, educational, or after school programs.

Business and Society, Spring 2015

Final Fieldwork Project

Final Fieldwork Project Reports

A. Documents to be delivered by your Team

What have you learned about this Final Fieldwork Project as a team?

1. Executive Report:


5 to 10 page typed professional written Report in PDF format with a 1.5 max space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri with a max 12 font size and maximum .8 inch left, right, top, bottom margins.


An Executive Report with a proposal of at least two "long term actionable and sustainable" recommendations for ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of a company, non-profit organization, public agency, and/or a business community service or corporate social responsibility (CSR) program efforts to solve the CSR challenges they are facing. Discuss in particular how business expertise or resources could contribute to solutions. You must refer to specific concepts from course readings and chapters (with appropriate page references) to justify your recommendations and explain why you think they would work.

2. Final Fieldwork Project Power Point Presentation

• A 5 to 10 professional slides summarizing the final fieldwork project executive report

• Each slide with 5 One Line Bullet Points and Pictures will get a plus ...

3. Facebook Project Page

4. Twitter Project Account (Optional)

B. Documents to be delivered by EACH member of your team

What have you learned about this Final Fieldwork Project as a person?


4 pages typed Individual professional written Report in PDF format with a 1.5 max space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri with a max 12 font size and maximum .8 inch left, right, top, bottom margins.


4 to 5 pages discussion of what you learned about yourself, other people, organizations, or the specific corporate social responsibility challenges addressed through your service work.

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