
Project in quality engineering course which requires a

Project in Quality ENgineering course which requires a project report according to the given information.

Templates for Project Proposal and Report

For the project Proposal, I need a one page summary of the following:

- Project Name
- Project Team names and IDs.
- The name of the used quality method/model (ISO, SKEA, QFD, SPC, Quality Tools, etc.)
- Project Idea and objectives
- The source of the case study (real company/organization, made-up, internet, etc.). We prefer cases that are either applied in a real organization or can be applied (proposed to the organization)
- Project Plan (major phases)

For the project report, I need 8-10 pages summary (You can add further details in the appendix)

- Title Page (ADU logo, Course Title, Project Title, Team names, Date)
- Abstract (half page summary of the project idea, method, and findings)
- Introduction (half to page and a half summary on project idea, value, organization, and the rationale of the used method)
- Project Methodology (brief description 2-3 pages of the used method/model (ISO, SKEA, QFD, SPC, Quality Tools, etc.)
- Case study (a summary 3-5 pages how the method is used or proposed to be used in the organization in a step-by-step approach, details and examples can be put in the appendix).
- Analysis (a max of one page explanation of the results, impact, benefits of the used quality method in the case study)
- Conclusion (half page of lessons learned and findings)
- References
- Appendices

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Business Management: Project in quality engineering course which requires a
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