Assignment task:
My patient recently moved to Michigan to care for his dying mother. He is having increased anxiety, poor sleep and reduced appetite. He was attending a therapy session but has not had one since moving to Michigan. I identified a therapist, case manager and a registered dietician that will be part of his collaborative team who can provide holistic care for this person/family (project).
Provide a brief introduction to the project identifying the needs of the patient and what are the benefits that will be realized from this project for the patient/family. (What do you view as the significant problems for this patient/family in each collaborative domain?)
Elaborate on the specific area of problem or need providing a rationale for impact to support the overall wellbeing of your patient/family. It should be focused on the unique problem being discussed for this paper. Provide your rationale for how collaborating with these disciplines will benefit the project.
What need in this patient is this collaborative partner addressing? What are YOUR treatment objectives that you have for this discipline for this patient? (Why have you selected these patient goals /what you are hoping to change or improve?) What is the problem being experienced by the patient? What are the needs of the patient? A discussion on the impact of this objective to the patient. How will it improve quality of life?