
project descriptioni am trying to connect my

Project Description:

I am trying to connect my marketplace website with Stripe/connect. I have 5 or 6 scripts already written that just need to be adjusted so they will work: 2 will sign up sellers into my site (one getting the initial information my site needs before the user goes to Stripe to create an account, and one they land back on to do the process.) We need the user account number or private key or whatsoever Stripe uses so that the user will get paid for sales, as that is what we will use as the seller's ID in their inventory, the other 3 are to (1) Prepare a customer object to charge buyers without making them enter credit card info every time, (2) actually charge the customer at purchasing, the 3rd script incorporates the first two.

Skills required is SQL

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DOT NET Programming: project descriptioni am trying to connect my
Reference No:- TGS0376248

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