
project descriptioncollect modify person records

Project Description:

collect / modify person records / photo images/ lookup / facebook

iphone and ipad

App basic function :

1 user will configure facebook connection

2 this app/software is used to download facebook events and facebook guest records from the configured facebook account

3 the app indicates the user all the events downloaded

4 user chooses and event

5 User can search/ view (search name or id) contact records related to the event and facebook status (accepted, maybe, decline, no reply)

6 more contact records will be imported by csv file or added into the app manually

7 the app uses its own data tables to store contact records from facebook, imports and included contacts.

App Extended function - relate image to contact:

9 Through the event people are given a unique i.d. that is added to their contact record via app

10 people records are created and searched if not exist and then the id is added

11 images and contact id's are related. id number which is logged with contact is related to the image filename the app has a GUI to prepare a relationship between the image and the i.d's of the people in the image.

default image folder

default event

facebook account

export attendance report with new id field

Skills required are C Programming, iPad, iPhone, Software Architecture, Social Networking

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C/C++ Programming: project descriptioncollect modify person records
Reference No:- TGS0376049

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