
Project description oracle advanced supply chain

ERP Project (Three Deliverables):

Project Description: Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Oracle Advanced Supply Chain PlanningTM (ASCP) is a comprehensive, Internet-based planningsolution that decides when and where supplies (for example, inventory, purchase orders and workorders) should be deployed within an extended supply chain. This is the supply planning function.

Oracle ASCP addresses the following key supply planning issues:

  •  How do I plan my supply chain in the least amount of time possible?
  •  How do I minimize the number of plans and iterations?
  •  How do I plan my entire supply chain?
  •  How do I involve my trading partners?
  •  How can I access my plan from anywhere?
  •  How do I keep improving my plans?
  •  How can I plan all manufacturing methods?

The key capabilities of Oracle ASCP are:

 Holistic Optimization, Planning, and Scheduling. Oracle ASCP can plan all supply chain facilitiessimultaneously. Short-term detailed scheduling and long-term aggregate planning aresupported within a single plan. This single plan also supports multiple manufacturing methods,including discrete, flow, project, and process manufacturing.

  •  Finite Capacity Planning and Scheduling. Oracle ASCP generates feasible supply chain plans thatconsider both resource and material constraints.
  •  Optimization. Users can easily configure Oracle ASCP to optimize specific business criteria. Noprogramming is necessary to access Oracle ASCP's powerful mathematical optimizationcapabilities.
  •  Backward Compatibility. Oracle ASCP's component architecture allow it to be deployed againstany combination of Oracle 10.7, Oracle 11 and Oracle 11i transaction systems.
  •  Workflow-Driven Exception Messaging. Oracle ASCP's exception messages alert planners tocritical issues across the extended supply chain. Workflows that drive these exceptions routedata to and feedback from trading partners as required, thus effectively involving them in thesupply chain planning process.
  •  Global Accessibility. Oracle ASCP's database-centric architecture stores plan data in a centralplanning server database. These data are accessible from anywhere via a simple browser. It ispossible for multiple planners to simultaneously access data from a single plan.
  •  Integrated Planning and Execution. Oracle ASCP's Advanced Planner Workbench user interfacenot only displays plan results, but also allows planners to execute planning recommendations.

Planners do not have to move to the transaction system to perform plan execution.

  •  Simulation Capability. Oracle ASCP allows many types of changes to supply, demand, planoptions, and resource profiles to simulate changing business conditions. You can generate aplan considering all the changes that have been entered via the Planner's Workbench.

Unlimited numbers of scenarios can be simulated and compared using online planning, copyplans, and exceptions. Examples of the types of changes are firming, changing sources,modifying quantities and dates, modifying priorities, modifying resource availability, modifyingsupplier capacity, and modifying objective weights.(from Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Implementation and User's Guide, Volumes 1

& 2, Release 11i, March 2002, Part No. A97279-01, Oracle)

This part of the course includes discussions of features, functions, and benefits of Oracle Advanced

Supply Chain Planning. Students learn how to set up data and model the supply chain. Employing"hands-on" approaches, students will review data, review the supply chain model, and createadvanced supply chain plans. Students analyze results of unconstrained, constrained, andoptimized versions of multiple organization plans. They resolve exception messages and respond torecommendations.

  • Review plan results;
  • View data and model the supply chain;
  • Resolve exception messages;
  • Create advanced supply chain plans; and
  • Respond to recommendations.

Student teams must submit three written deliverables that present a recommendation, supportingdata and documentation (including method of analysis) for each specific deliverable that are based on one or more key supply planning issues (that are listed above)

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Business Management: Project description oracle advanced supply chain
Reference No:- TGS01476200

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