
Project construction of carbon revolution building you are

Project: Construction of Carbon Revolution Building 2



You are members of the Capital Projects Team of Facility Services Department at Deakin University who are assigned to undertake work encompassing a high level estimate of building cost of the Structural Works for the Carbon Revolution Building 2, located in the Waurn Ponds campus of Deakin University. 


The work for this project is to be advertised for tender in the near future. To date, some of the design drawings have been completed. For this stage, a high level cost estimate is required for the owner estimate of the cost of the project. The following scope of work has been assigned for the high level project cost estimate. 

-  The site location is as indicated (Appendix A)

-  The design drawings are provided (Appendix B) 

-  Additional drawings may be released during the design progress

-  The cost estimate is only for foundation and structure of the building

-  The Bill of Quantities is to be completed (Appendix C)

-  The cost of work is to be estimated based on published construction rates (e.g.

Rawlinsons Construction Handbook, Cordell Building Cost Guide, Aust. Institute of Quantity Surveyors, etc.)

-  Any assumptions, notes or disclaimers regarding your cost estimate should be documented in your Assessment 1 report submission and in your Journal Diary

You may insert additional rows under 'D. MISCELLANEOUS' section for other costs you can identify from the drawings, as well as providing some brief details on each of these additional items. 


The Deakin University rules and regulations apply to this work.


At this stage, site inspections are not required. Employees may use satellite image to acquaint themselves with the site where any work is to be undertaken. Refer to Appendix A.


A. The overall works to be undertaken includes:

-  Undertaking high-level (rough) estimate of works quantity based on provided design drawings of the project 

-  Undertaking research on the unit rates (unit price) to conduct construction works for the project

-  Provision of completed Bill of Quantities with prices 

-  Clearly specifying the source of data and additional information about justification as required, conditions, inclusions or limitation of the rates

B. This Assessment should be submitted as a group report.

C. A table indicating group members' contribution to the works should be submitted with the report. 

D. Only 1 report per group is to be submitted via CloudDeakin.

E. Groups will be allocated in Week 1 Seminars or via CloudDeakin for off-campus students.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

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Civil Engineering: Project construction of carbon revolution building you are
Reference No:- TGS01527398

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