Project based on analyzing hr system

By using the Service Request SR-rm-004, “Analyze HR System,” prepare a 4 to 6 page paper that accomplishes the following:

• Describe the information-gathering techniques and design methods you would propose to use for the project.

• Identify the key factors that will help ensure the information required for the project is gathered successfully.

• Explain the scope and feasibility of the project.

• Cite and discuss 3-4 references, in addition to the attached files, that are relevant to the assignment.

//According to the requirements of the paper, the first section will focus on giving a short introduction followed by various information gathering techniques. This section will give the knowledge about the techniques that should be utilized to collect the data related to the topic of study//


The paper will discuss about the major information gathering techniques that will be used for the project based on “Analyzing HR System”. Some key factors will also be identified related to the success of the information gathering process. The feasibility as well as scope of the project will also be explained to help in understanding the importance of the project. The paper will create an insight for the project and will identify various sources of information in advance.

Information Gathering Techniques:

Information gathering is a very significant step in any type of project. It should be carried out in a systematic manner for attaining the goals of the project and collecting the right information. Information should be gathered from sources which convey reliable information and serve the purpose of the project. The selection of information gathering sources should be done in accordance to the requirements of the project.

For collecting the information, two major sources will be used i.e. the primary and secondary sources. Both these will be helpful in gathering relevant and useful information. Among the primary sources, questionnaire or interview techniques can be used to gather information. Interview can be taken of officers that work with Human Resource Development Organizations. Questionnaires can be sent to employees working in the HR department of a number of selected companies (Mackey, Susan & Gass, 2005).  

This will help in gaining information about the functioning of various HR systems. This source will give fully relevant information as the people who practically experience the working of HR systems will be involved in it. This source will be more beneficial than the secondary source as it gives fresh information, but the secondary data gives information from already collected data or analysis that have been formed earlier.

Secondary sources will include information gathered with the help of books, journals, online articles and also various newspaper and magazine articles. They will also be a great source of help for the project but the information collected through these sources is not always reliable. The information from these sources can be analyzed in a proper form to arrive at useful conclusions. This type of information collection saves time as well as money as they are easily available on the internet. They also require less effort as compared to primary information gathering techniques (Best & Krueger, 2004).  

Brainstorming can also be used as an information gathering source. This will help in gathering information with the help of continuous discussions by the experts. It will help in collecting information based on an innovative idea related to the natural thoughts that come in the mind of an individual. It will be a creative technique of data collection and will be developed with the help of mutual discussions among the team members (Brainstorming, 2009).  

//After discussing various information gathering techniques, the next section will focus on planning the design for information gathering. This design will focus on the systematic and step wise procedure that should be followed for information gathering//

Information Gathering Design:

The information gathering design should be organized in a systematic way to achieve the aim of the project. The main aim of the project will be to examine the basic HR systems in terms of their functioning and effectiveness for the business organizations. Another aim is to collect useful and relevant information related to the topic of study. Some important steps can be followed for gathering of information. They are as follow:

The first step will involve the selection of the information gathering techniques that will be used for the project. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique will be analyzed in a proper way and finally, the most appropriate techniques will be selected for the project.

In the second step, the information gathering techniques will be applied for the collection of data as per the requirements of the project.

In the third step, analysis of the information can be done for checking the effectiveness and usefulness of the information.

Finally, the information gathering process will be completed and there will be planning for the next important steps required for the paper.

//After discussing about the information gathering design, the next section will focus on the key factors that are essential to determine the success of the data that will be collected//

Key Factors for success of information gathered:

There should be certain key factors that can help in identifying that the information is gathered successfully. These key factors are as follow:

Relevant information: The information gathered through the various information gathering techniques will be cross checked that to know its importance for the topic of study. It will be highly effective if it helps in accomplishing the goals of the project. The information should be totally relevant for the topic of study.

Reliability & Validity: Proper care should be taken of the reliability and validity of the data. The information gathered for the project should be fully reliable and the facts collected through it should be valid (Marczyk, DeMatteo & Festinger, 2005).

Precise & Accurate: The gathered information should be up to the mark and should contain the information that is required for the project. The information should be precise as well as accurate. It should not display confusing results.

These three factors are very important and should be considered in determining the success of the information that is gathered. Any information that is being collected should contain all these three factors and it will be useful only if it has all the three factors.

//In the above section, we have discussed about the key factors related to the success of the gathered information. This section will focus on the scope and feasibility of the project. You can add some more information if you want by taking help from various online and offline sources//

Scope & Feasibility of the Project:

The project has a great scope and feasibility in the present as well as future scenario. According to the present situation, human resource is being reduced in business organizations through lay-offs, which is creating an adverse affect on the workforce. In future, when recession will be over and conditions will improve there, will be great demand of human resource in the business organizations. The project will help in analyzing various HR systems that are either used for cost cutting or for retaining the employees for long term in an organization. It will provide knowledge related to both the situations. The major HR systems will be analyzed and studied to find out their effectiveness and utility in the field of HR. The utility of various HR systems will be defined and their importance for implementing various HR laws and policies will also be explained. The project is highly feasible and will be beneficial in determing the future requirements of human resource systems (Marczyk, DeMatteo & Festinger, 2005).  


From the discussion, it is concluded that analyzing the HR systems is a very interesting topic selected for the project. For collecting information related to the topic, primary and secondary information collection techniques will be used. They are very effective and will prove to be highly useful for the project. A new technique known as brainstorming will also be used for gathering information for the project.

The important points related to relevancy, reliability, validity, accuracy and preciseness should be included in the information that is being collected for the project. All these factors should be there in the information then only it can prove to be useful for the project in the real sense. The project is feasible and has a wide scope as the demand for human resource will grow in future and it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the HR systems.

//I hope the assistance provided by me is quite sufficient to address the queries. It will surely help you to develop better understanding and enhance your knowledge. I am also including the references where I found the content. At the end, I wish you happy learning //


Best, S.J. & Krueger, B.S. (2004). Internet data collection. Publisher SAGE.

Brainstorming (2009). Retrieved August 19, 2009, from

Mackey, A., Susan, M. & Gass (2005). Second Language Research: Methodology and Design. Routledge.

Marczyk, G. R., DeMatteo, D. & Festinger, D. (2005). Essentials of Research Design and Methodology John Wiley and Sons.

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