
Project add time and object interaction to the simulation

Project: Add Time and Object Interaction to the Simulation


Addendums to the project will be posted at: https://www.cs.uoregon.edu/Classes/16S/cis211/Projects/P4/P4.html

This specification is very detailed, and will very likely require corrections and clarifications. The sooner that you notify the teaching staff of potential issues with the specification, the sooner any issues can be addressed. Please check for new addendums frequently, such as whenever you resume work on your project.


• Bring the simulation to life with simulated time and object interaction.

• Illustrates the alternative flow of control for errors provided by try/catch in place of returned error codes.

• Demonstrates the benefits of well-designed data abstraction and modularity in that most methods and functions need no modification or consideration at all, but continue to do their jobs flawlessly and abstractly.

• Demonstrates, through a final installment, how to iteratively develop a solid 500 loc (lines of code)

Overview of New System Behavior

The simulation now includes the passing of time.

Simulated time advances in jumps, with time "frozen" while the user enters commands, and then jumping ahead one minute every time the user issues a "go" command, which simulates the passing of one minute of time. Each of the two command interpreter prompts are now preceded by "Time x " in which x is an integer representing the elapsed time, in minutes. For example: "Time 0 FILE>" or "Time 5 >" Time starts at 0 minutes for every run of the simulation

Humans and Robots move one grid unit per minute.

Travelers can now receive a series of destinations. Each destination must be a Waypoint or an x,y location on the grid. Each traveler that is currently moving moves one grid unit towards the next destination every minute. Consecutive destinations must be in the same row, or the same column, but not both, and is discussed in more detail later in the project description.

Robots fight Fires.

Robots can be moved to fire locations, and can extinguish the fires. All fires start with a strength of "5". The strength of a fire decreases at a rate of one unit per minute for every robot that is currently extinguishing it.

This project will utilize the Model.py, Controller.py, View.py files from the last project that I sent you. Let me know if you're able to do this.

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Python Programming: Project add time and object interaction to the simulation
Reference No:- TGS01407759

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