Permanente magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) are increasingly adopted in the wind power industry due to their higher torque capacity and power density. Multi-pole PMSM has the potential to operate as gear-less wind turbine generator system with direct drive construction. To realize a multi-megawatt wind turbine, state-of-the-art technology adopts paralleled two-level converters, as shown in Fig. 1. The In this project, please conduct a simulation case study of a PMSM based wind turbine generator system using the system configuration shown in Fig.
1. Specifically, pay attention to the following aspects:
- PMSM control strategy.
- PWM of each converters: third-order harmonic injected sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) with carrier frequency of 2700Hz. The carriers of the paralleled converters are synchronized.
- Determine system parameters, e.g. DC link voltage, inductance of L1, L2, L1g, and L2g, etc.
- Show simulation results under normal operation.
- Assume the inductance at grid side (L1g and L2g) have 10% mismatch. 1). Observe simulation results and briefly explain the phenomenon. 2). Develop a control strategy for grid side converters to address the observed phenomenon.
- Recommend a control strategy during a grid fault and run simulations.
Fig. 1. System configuration
1. For building the wind power system model in Matlab/Simulink, you can look at the existing wind turbine system models and PMSM drive system model in Matlab. Feel free to use these models and modify them for your project.
2. Recommended PMSM parameters