
Project - eet-540 energy management system and smart grid

Project - Energy Management System and Smart Grid

Control and Energy Management System (EMS) of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis (Wavelet Neural Network and Interior Search Algorithm).

Please simulate the manuscript titled "Control and EMS of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis" using MATLAB/Simulink. Design model of Grid-connected Microgrid as shown in Fig. 1 (attached) and supervisory control is given in manuscript titled Control and EMS of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis using Simulink and write codes of wavelet neural network for forecasting and interior search algorithm for optimal economic operation in MATLAB (EMS) and connect MATLAB codes with Simulink model using Sim function. The Solar Irradiance (W/m2), Temperature (Centigrade), Wind Speed (m/s) and Load Power (W) is given in excel file. Basically you need to simulate the manuscript titled "Control and EMS of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis". The manuscript have two case study of load but in this project you have one case study of load and second difference that the manuscript have maximum power of PV is 100KW and maximum power of wind is 60KW but in this project the maximum power of PV is 10KW and maximum power of wind is 6KW and initial condition of state of charge of battery is 60% (See table 1). The objective function and system constrains is given below on page 4 and details of objective function and system constrains can see from manuscript titled "Control and EMS of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis". All other control design, grid tariff, operation and maintenance cost of PV, Wind and Battery is same as given in manuscript titled "Control and EMS of a Grid-connected Microgrid with Economical Analysis".

Table 1. System Parameters






10 KW



06 KW

Energy Storage System (ESS)

Battery Power

-2 KW

2 KW




Initial condition of state of charge of battery is 60%

Grid Power

Maximum Absorb Power from Grid = 10 KW

Maximum Inject Power to Grid = 05KW

Grid Voltage Line to Neutral = 230 V

Grid Frequency= 60 Hz

Draw the flowchart of the optimal Energy Management System in Grid connected microgrid with economical operation using Interior Search Algorithm.

Make a short video for explanation of the each line of MATLAB codes and Simulink model.

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Other Engineering: Project - eet-540 energy management system and smart grid
Reference No:- TGS02697596

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