PROJ 410 Q 1 RFP Requirements
Consider again the dream retirement home that you were building as part of the Week 2 discussion. Assume you are working on the request for proposal to be bid on by some local general contractors. Using the outline of the RFP sections discussed this week, what are some specific questions or areas of detail you would put in your RFP? What are some ways you'd tailor your RFP to make sure you knew if the local general contractor you choose will meet all of your success criteria?
PROJ 410 Q 2 RFP Evaluations
It is very common to find buyers that fail to identify the RFP evaluation criteria during the project procurement planning process, and in fact do not define the evaluation criteria until after proposals have been received and the evaluation process is set to begin. What do you think is the risk of waiting until bids have been received to establish the evaluation criteria to be used to select a preferred contractor?