
Progrmam to implement mutually recursive functions

Question 1) Illustrate that how iteration works in programming languages by writing programs given below.

a) A program to sum number of integers from 1 to a given number n.

b) A program that sums the contents of a integer list or array.

c) Transform the following for loop into a while loop (which does the same thing as the for loop):

for i in range(1,10):
print "i = ", i

d) Transform the following while loop into a for loop (which does the same thing as the while loop):

i = 20
while (i > 0):
print "i = ", i
i =- 1

a) What do you mean by a recursive function?

b) The iterative function given below returns the sum of all elements in a list. For instance, given the list [1, 2, 3] the function will return 1+2+3 or 6. Re-write the function as a recursive function.

def sum(arg):
result = 0
for i in arg:
result += i
return result

c) The code given below implements a recursive function in Python called foobar. What does foobar function do? Write a line of code that calls the foobar function with a appropriate argument and state what the return value will be.
def foobar(arg):

if arg == []:
return arg
return foobar(arg[1:]) + [ arg[0] ]

d) The following code implements two mutually recursive functions – functions that call each other:

def ise(n):
if n==0: return True
else: return iso(n-1)
def iso(n):
if n==0: return False
else: return ise(n-1)

What will the following function calls return:

i) iso(3)
ii) iso(2)
iii) ise(3)
iv) ise(2)

What do the functions iso and ise perform?

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C/C++ Programming: Progrmam to implement mutually recursive functions
Reference No:- TGS010511

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