
Programming solving through c

Q1. Consider the C program described below:

 int sum = 50;
 float modulus;
 modulus = sum % 10;
 printf("The %% of %d by 10 is %f\n", sum, modulus);

Write down the output of the program above.

Q2. Distinguish between the Interpreted and Compiled Languages. Name the category from which C language belongs to?

Q3. The array DATA [10, 15] is stored in the memory in 'Row - Major order'. If base address is 200 and element size is 1. Compute the address of element DATA [7, 12].

Q4. Distinguish between the Depth-first search and Breadth-first search of the graph.

Q5. Write down a module to determine the height of Binary Tree.

Q6. Distinguish between the recursion and iteration giving appropriate illustration for each.

Q7. Distinguish between the Run-time and Logical errors giving appropriate illustration.

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C/C++ Programming: Programming solving through c
Reference No:- TGS010364

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