
Programming project description the programming project

Programming Project -

Description: The programming project will be the construction of a functional calculator.

Calculator Requirements:

• For each computation, accept the expression from an input file (*.inp).

• All output must be written to a file of the same name (*.out). Upon completion of each computational statement, echo the statement to the file and print out the name of each statement variable and its numerical value.

• Detect and report expression errors in an accurate and understandable fashion.

• The calculator must be written in C #

Calculator Components: Your calculator must have the following components:

• Grammar - Provides a blueprint for expression parsing

• Lexical Analyzer - To identify tokens

• Parser - Creates tree to interpret each line of computation

• Symbol Table -- To track variables and their values as they change with each computation


• Use the Gold Parse Builder (GPB) to design your lexical analyzer and parser. To get you started, I am providing a sample file that allows it to process input for a simple C-like language (Tiny-DFA.GRM). If you use the GPB, use its Test capability to make sure the input is being tokenized correctly.

• You will need to process the XML output from GPB, which encodes the tables you will need for lexical analysis and parsing. I will provide the code that will allow you to import the XML into a program data structure (tree) and search it.

• To help you, I will upload a set of project resources to D2L.

• You must upload your materials to D2L in a zipped file per the below schedule.

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: Programming project description the programming project
Reference No:- TGS01657269

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