
Programming fundamental-pseudo code-program draw flow chart

Programming Fundamentals


Note: You have to write down pseudo code, program and draw flow chart for each of the subsequent questions

Q1: Write a program which creates the following table. Use single cout statement and setw().

1990        123
1991       2345
1992      34567
1993     123456

Q2: Write a program which reads the radius of circle and display its region and diameter.

Q3: Write a program which reads the length and height of rectangle and show area and perimeter of the rectangle.

Q4: Write a program that takes two integers and arithmetic operator from user and apply all given arithmetic operators on given numbers.

Q5: Write a program which takes one side of square then compute and show the area of square.

Q6: Write a program which reads the temperature from user in Celsius scale and show in Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale.

Q7: Write a program which takes weight in kilograms and show in milligrams and grams.

Q8: Write down a program reads number from user and display either it is multiple of 2 or 5 or 7 or not multiple of any given category.

Q9: Write a program which takes two time from user in hr:min:seconds format and display the differentiation between given two times.

Q10: Write a program which takes two dates from user in dd/mm/yy and prints differentiation between given two dates.

Q11: Write a program which acquires three fractions a/b, e/f and c/d from user. Perform addition of given fractions as follow:

   a    c        e        ans
  ---- + -----  + -----      =    --------
   b        d         f        ans

Q12: Write a program which acquires marks of subject from user. Given marks should be greater than 0 and less than 100. Your program has to perform grading on given marks (A, B, C, D, F). You are free to decide marking criteria.

Q13: Write a program which takes four numbers from user and display smallest and largest amongst them.

Q14: Write a program asking user to select p for pine, o for oak, or M for mahogany. Show the price of the table pine - 100, oak- 225 and mahogany- 310 if user selects any other than listed make price 0.

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Basic Computer Science: Programming fundamental-pseudo code-program draw flow chart
Reference No:- TGS01549

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