
programmer experienced in wp themei have

Programmer Experienced in WP Theme

I have installed theme with bluehost. I have created the front page.

Purchased Form Maker. My website has the front page designed. I want help on Fix the navigation to and from- pages, portfolio categories, categories, posts Cache configuration Advise on what I need as well as don't need form Maker form created doesn't appear the same on my website. Plugins (that is word processor) not showing up for me to use. Change some fonts look and size. Make sure PayPal submit button works.

If not too complex I want to accept the registration form information in an MS Excel format or else format I can effortlessly transfer to MS Excel.

Clen up the complete website of stuff I don't need. Make sure it works properly as well as help me launch.

Desired Skills are MySQL Administration, HTML, and PHP

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PHP Web Programming: programmer experienced in wp themei have
Reference No:- TGS0375893

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