
Programing concepts-procedural languages

Part A:

Note: You should pay attention on following good practices:

• Appropriate code comments(If you make any assumptions clearly comment them in the code).
• Indentation.
• Instructional text for the user.
• Input validation and appropriate error messages.
• Use of appropriate data types.
• Include  Both Program Code, Design Code(Pseudo code) in your Documentation.

Question 1: Briefly discus about Basic Data type in procedural languages.

A) Examples of Basic data types
B) Characteristic Of Each Data type

Question 2: Write a Program that prints "Number Limit Exceeded" if the user inserts a number more than 50.

Question 3: Write Program code to accept age from the user. If the age i s negative or zero, the Message “age cannot be negative” and “age cannot be zero” should be displayed, respectively.

Question 4: Write a program to compute the factorial of a number, and use it to print the factorials of the numbers 1-7.

Question 5: Write a program to print this triangle:

Use two nested loops instead. You'll have to use braces around the body of the outer loop if it contains multiple statements:

Question 6: Write a Program which prints “ODD” Or “EVEN” According to the user entered Number.

Question 7
: Only the administrator to modify the Website of the company. The program accepts the name and password of a user and validates it with the name and password of the administrator. After validating the input, the program displays the message whether the user is allowed to modify.

Question 8: Take two inputs from user and an Operator. Then calculate the result of the two according to the inserted operator. Make sure to use Reusability in you program.

Part B:

Question 9: Prime Texas International is a large Institute; Management in this institute wants to create Proper Student management System. There for they contact you and asked you to create Propto type of Student Management System for them

Basically they are looking for:

A) User in Institute Use this application only if they enter correct User ID to the system.
B) New Student Register Form(Each Student Has their own student ID).
C) There should be a way to get Student Data Simply by entering there Student ID.
D) Get Course Details and there Prices.

This is a group assignment and you can have maximum of 4 and minimum of 2 in a group.

Please pay attention on the following areas.

• Modularization and use of functions
• Appropriate error handling (E.g: Display friendly error messages)
• Good coding practices (E.g: Indentation, Use of comments, simplicity and readability of the code)
• Display proper instructions to the user.

Part C:

Question 10: Explain syntax and semantic errors with example?

Question 11: Create Documentation Question 9 in Part B and Create User Help Desk for the Program?

Question 12: Create a set of functional test cases (Dry Run) for Question 9 in Part B.

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Programming Languages: Programing concepts-procedural languages
Reference No:- TGS01868

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