
program1write a program to find the factorial of


Write a program to find the factorial of a given number. The input is user given. Final output is printed out on to the screen.


Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series and print it out on the screen for the first 10 numbers. Initial two inputs are user given.

Program 3:

Try the following code and explain what does this program do? Fix any syntax errors.

 Input DWORD  0Fh, 3Fh, 9Fh, 0BFh, 0FFh
 Mov cx, 04h
 Mov esi, 00h
L1: Mov eax, input+esi
 Call SetTextColor
 Call Randomize
 Inc esi
 Inc esi
 Inc esi
 Inc esi
 Loop l1

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C/C++ Programming: program1write a program to find the factorial of
Reference No:- TGS0208204

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