
Program variables any int boolean or string used in the

Follow a mare from start to finish using the ble Man and yltrasonit sensor Protect and demonstration IS% of grade) ['oral presentation on syllabus:

Example code for the line follower, ultrasonic sensor, and a modelled rover driver wal be on Oil. sometime next net No other help will be given. I will not wine the main code.

Requirements . .

If we do not get enough rovers in working condition, you need to follow these requirement in your program so that it will act the same on any rover you upload to. Change the names If you' want to. but the numbers must stay the same.

//Motor speed pins

coast int FROMT_RIGHT_SE11. = 3;

coast tnt FRONT_LEFTialEEL = 11;

//Motor direction pins


//Braking pins

coast int FROMI_RIGHT_SAAKE = 9;

coast tnt FRON7JEfT_BRAXE = /I;

//Current sensors - UNuSICI


coast int FRPIT_LEFT_CORRENT = A1;

//tine follower - Just one

coast tnt liNt_FOCLOWIR = A2;

//Ping pin

Coast int PIMG_PIN = 7;

//Servo pin

coast Int SERVO_PIN = 10;

//Built in LEO light on Arduirn coast int LEO_PIM = 13;

Program Structure (top down)

1. Include statements (sung servo, sleep)

2. Pin assignments (above)

3. Program variables (any int, Boolean. or string used in the while program)

4. Void setup()
a pinlvtode for all pins
b attach servo
c delay(5000);

5. Vood 'GPM)
a. Everything needed to follow the line through the maze and avoid obstacles

6. functions
a. Owing code, sampling for line follower and ultrasonic

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Computer Engineering: Program variables any int boolean or string used in the
Reference No:- TGS01008969

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