Program to print lower half and upper half of square matrix

Question 1) Write a program to find out the sum of the elements above and below the main diagonal of a square matrix.

Question 2) Write a program to check the equality of two matrices.

Question 3) Write a program to print all the elements of a square matrix except the diagonal elements.

Question 4) Write a program to find the maximum, minimum and second maximum of a matrix.

Question 5) Write a program to sort the elements of a matrix row- wise and column-wise.

Question 6) Write a program to print squares of diagonal elements of a square matrix.

Question 7) Write a program which finds the locations and values of largest and second largest element in a two dimensional array.

Question 8) Using a two dimensional array A[n*n], write a program to prepare a one dimensional array B[n2] that will have all the elements of A as if they are stored in column major form.

Question 9) Using a two dimensional array A[n*n], write a program to prepare a one dimensional array B[n2] that will have all the elements of A as if they are stored in row major form.

Question 10) Write a program that receives the month and year from the keyboard as integers and prints the calendar of the given month. (According to the Gregorian calendar 01/01/1900 was Monday)

Question 11) Write a program to print the lower half and upper half of a square matrix.

Question 12) Write a program to construct a magic square.

Question 13) Write a program to find out the trace of a matrix.

Question 14) Write a program to compute the determinant of a square matrix of real numbers.

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C/C++ Programming: Program to print lower half and upper half of square matrix
Reference No:- TGS04902

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