Question 1) Write a function to transpose a square matrix using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.
Question 2) Write a function to sort elements of a matrix using pointers. The array should be passed to the function as argument.
Question 3) Write a program to compute the GCD of two numbers using recursive function.
Question 4) Write a program to determine the factorial of two numbers using recursive function.
Question 5) Write a program to print Fibonacci series using recursive function.
Question 6) Write a program to sort an array using Quick sort technique (recursive).
Question 7) Write a programfor the recursive Depth first search.
Question 8) Write a program for the recursive Breadth first search.
Question 9) Write a program to sort an array using recursive merge sort technique.
Question 10) Write a recursive merge sort algorithm.
Question 11) Write a recursive function to multiply two polynomials.
Question 12) Write a program to define a structure with the following specification
Structure name Emp
Ecode integer
Ename character array
Basic salary float
Hra float 40% of basic salary
Da float 20% of basic salary
Ta float 10% of basic salary
Gross salary float basic salary + hra + da + ta
It float 20 % of gross salary
Pf float 10% of gross salary
Net salary float gross salary – (it + pf)
Now perform the following operations:
(1) Take an object of the given structure, input the values for the ecode, ename, basicsalary, calculate all other values and display the values.
(2) Take an array of objects of size 10 of the given structure and input, calculate anddisplay the values for 10 employees.
Question 13) Write a program to declare a structure with the following specification:
Structure name abc
Arr array of 10 floats
Max float maximum of 10 values
Min float minimum of 10 values
Sum float sum of 10 values
Avg float average of 10 values
Take an object of structure type and input the values in arr and calculate all other values.
Question 14) Write a program to declare two structures with the following specification
Structure name date
Dd int day
Mm int month
Yy int year
Structure name student
Rollno int
Name char[10]
Marks float
Dob date date of birth
Doa date date of admission in school
Now perform the following operations:
• Take an object of structure student, input the values and display the values.
• Take an array of objects of structure student of size 10and input the values for 10 students and displays the values.