Question 1) Write a program to implement a static stack and show the push and pop operations on the stack.
Question 2) Write a program to implement a static queue and show the insert and delete operations on the queue.
Question 3) Write a program to implement a static circular Queue.
Question 4) Write a program to implement a static dequeue (using arrays).
Question 5) Write a program to implement n stacks in single 1D array. Write functions for “push” and “pop” operations on i-th stack.
Question 6) Write a program to implement n queues in single 1D array. Write functions for “add” and “delete” operations on i-th queue
Question 7) Represent a stack and a queue in a single 1D array. Write functions for “push”, “pop” operations on stack and “add”, “delete” operations on the queue.
Question 8) Write a program to read a text file and display it on the screen. In case number of lines exceeds 22, file should be displayed one screen at a time.
Question 9) Write a program to print a text file on the printer.
Question 10) Write a program that displays the size of file in bytes.
Question 11) Write an interactive menu driven program to create a text file and then display the file. Create another text file by reversing each string of the newly created text file.
Question 12) Write a program that reads a text file and creates another text file that is identical except that every sequence of consecutive blank space is replaced by a single space.