Question 1: Write a program that draws the initials J G P on the form similar to that shown in figure (using straight lines and curve semicircles). The figure can not have corners. All ends are replaced by a semicircle and corners by a quarter circle. The program will have a Timer figure will draw the line by line (or arc) and then erase the same way. The interval between draw (or erase) and the next line is 100 to 200 ms, that is, 0.1 to 0.2 seconds. Figure below shows an example of how you might go erasing the initial, one segment at a time, each fraction of a second. The intention is to be able appreciate how to draw and how is deleted, it does not happen all at once as when CLS makes

Question 2: Figure below is a representation of the solar system. In a basic model of the same concentric orbits planets rotate around the sun. The closer the Planet in less time Sun completes a full orbit around it. While the Earth rotates around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth. Design a program that presents an animation of the solar system by keeping above characteristics. The colors of the planets will be similar to the presented in Figure below and proportions of sizes also planets maintained. The orbits of the planets must be far enough apart as not to collide with each other. Consider that as the Earth goes around the Sun Moon gives about 12 laps around the Earth. The animation will be controlled using a timer.

Question 3: Write a program to draw the figure shown below. the program must provide:
a) Close the fish's mouth slowly (at least 5 moves from the original position to close the mouth)
b) Open the fish's mouth slowly
c) Move slowly lower wing back
d) Move slowly lower wing to the front

The movements of the flap is made by rotating the blade tip about a point Reference may be found at its base. The movement to open and close the mouth performed by rotating the points lying on both ends of the jaws around the found point on the end (red point) thereof. The degrees of rotation must be small enough to look soft movement. Not bring the total rotations constraints that can be made so that, for example, the fin can rotate completely around its base. Although it will look strange, something similar may performed with the mouth
Question 4: Write a program to draw the truck following figure. The program should buttons to provide:
- Increase the size of the figure by 10%
- Reduce the size of the figure by 10%
- Run the truck to the left.
- Run the truck to the right.
- Add the truck intil it reaches a position of 90 degrees.
- Lower the truck
- Rotate the truck rear axle
- Rotate the truck to its normal position.

When the truck runs left wheels must rotate in the correct direction. Rotating wheels which means that the squared view rotating around the center there of. The same should happen when you move to the right (reverse). When you open the truck cargo box this must occur on the same rotating the lower corner Right. Once the casing reaches the vertical position can not rotate further in favor of the clockwise. Similarly when lowered can not rotate beyond the position horizontal. When the truck Wheelee rotate it over the rear wheels, so the same will remain motionless while the rest of the truck rotates about them. All movements can be combined. For example, one can reduce the size of the truck lift the box and then run to the left or right with the case open. All movements must be smooth, that is, there should be no abrupt jumps.